The top had been sitting there for a long time, and it wasn't keen on the idea of getting off. I tried with almost every sharp object in the garage, screw drivers, hammers heads and the only chissel, I have, and finally I borrowed my father in law's chissels for breaking wood - then it budged and came off!

When I got to open it, I could see the second cylinder's valves had been open for a long time, since it contained leafs and dirt.

When I took off the water pump, I accedently fliped it upside down, and I think half of the housing came out as rust!

I started cleaning up the cylinders, discovering that it has already been bored to ,030" oversize. What Nova means, I do not know.

For some reason, the intake valves reads "Ford R" - if anyone knows, what this stands for, I'll be very glad, if you'd let me know!

I got an itch in my right eye, but thought nothing of it. As it kept itching all the next day, only getting worse, I drove to the hospital 23 hours later. They told me, I had a scratch on my eyeball, measuring 1x2 millimeters! No fragments left, and the eye will heal it self, but still a very annoied eyeball!

So I got a patch for my eye.

So remenber: old cars are fun, but be carefull!
Keep 'em kruzin!
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